Post-Jam Update: Thank You for Playing!

First and foremost, we want to give a huge thank you to everyone who played our game during the GMTK Game Jam 2024! Your feedback, playtime, and enthusiasm have been incredibly motivating, and we truly appreciate your support. We’re excited to announce a new update based on what we learned during the jam, and we’re thrilled to share what’s changed!

So, what has changed?

Windows & Linux Support

  • We’ve added full support for both Windows and Linux! You can finally play the game without an internet connection or when your browser dies — a feature many players have jokingly been asking for.


  • You can now navigate the start menu using the keyboard.
  • Skipping the cut-scene is now possible by holding down space.
  • Throwing the next gecko is now also possible by pressing space.
  • We’ve added brief visual hints for the controls at the start of each new game, making it easier for new players to jump right in.

Visual Enhancements

  • Geckos now come in a variety of colors.
  • Geckos now have facial expressions.
  • We’ve made subtle improvements to the gecko throw animation, the cut-scene, and particle effects to polish the overall experience.

Audio Updates

  • We’ve added new sound effects and reworked some of the existing ones.
  • Volume levels for sound effects and the cut-scene have been fine-tuned a little bit.
  • A bug that caused music to not loop correctly has been fixed, along with issues with the audio sliders in the start menu.

Performance Improvements

  • We’ve made several optimizations to reduce the lag that some players experienced during the jam.
Game-jam version

For those interested in experiencing the original game jam version, it’s now available as a downloadable executable for both Windows and Linux. While it’s unfortunately no longer playable online, you can still relive the jam version offline.

We hope you'll enjoy the update! Thanks again for all your support. :)


Gecko Runner (Windows) 146 MB
7 days ago
Gecko Runner (Linux) 129 MB
7 days ago
Gecko Runner - Game Jam Version (Windows) 145 MB
7 days ago
Gecko Runner - Game Jam Version (Linux) 128 MB
7 days ago

Get Gecko Runner

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